analysis and design
APSI is a minority and veteran owned service company that provides analysis/design, scientific software development, test engineering and facilities operations/maintenance, information technologies as well as IPC standards certification. APSI was incorporated on March 27, 1998 as a small disadvantaged business and received Small Business Administration 8(a) certification on November 30, 1998.
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AP Solutions, Inc. has performed dynamic analysis of various systems for customers. In some cases the systems already existed. The requirements were to understand, modify or control the system performance. Other cases involved systems in the conceptual, exploratory, or advanced development stage. For these systems the tasks were modeling and analyzing the systems to provide guidance for the next step in the development process. In all cases APSI determined the manner in which important characteristic properties of the systems changed with respect to operating conditions. It is this change in properties that provided the foundation we built upon to obtain the necessary modeling, analysis, control, and design guidance. The basic steps that APSI follow in our design/analysis are straight forward. After identifying the essential characteristic properties of the system, APSI will establish objectives to reflect clearly the customer’s requirements. Included in this step is an assessment of the level of fidelity of the analysis to address the customer’s concerns. The outcome is a task which is as simple as possible but retains the necessary complexity to meet the customer’s requirements. This is the most difficult part of the analysis. Data is obtained by solving a mathematical model, making observations, conducting experiments, making sensible judgments or some combination of the afore mentioned. APSI will go through an assessment of this data to understand how the system will behave under various conditions. This allows us to identify the necessary modifications required to ensure the system performance will meet the customer’s expectations. |
Design and Analysis Capabilities include: |