software development
APSI is a minority and veteran owned service company that provides analysis/design, scientific software development, test engineering and facilities operations/maintenance, information technologies as well as IPC standards certification. APSI was incorporated on March 27, 1998 as a small disadvantaged business and received Small Business Administration 8(a) certification on November 30, 1998.
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AP Solutions, Inc. uses a structured approach to ensure that the software developed meets the specific criteria set forth by the customer and performs as expected. AP Solutions, Inc. has the responsibility of maintaining APNASA (Average Passage Multi-stage Turbomachinery Code) and developing and maintaining an up-to-date library of models for use by the customer. AP Solutions, Inc. will assist the customer in performing independent verification and validation to ensure that all new and modified software is evaluated by comparing results with the expected performance. APSI develops pre and post processing software to meet the specific needs of the customer and provide training and documentation. |
AP Solutions, Inc. Software development Capabilities include: |