APSI is a minority and veteran owned service company that provides analysis/design, scientific software development, test engineering and facilities operations/maintenance, information technologies as well as IPC standards certification. APSI was incorporated on March 27, 1998 as a small disadvantaged business and received Small Business Administration 8(a) certification on November 30, 1998.
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A.P. Solutions, Inc works with NASA Glenn Research Center in the area of technology transfer by performing a number of functions including but not limited to: |
Manage the assessment of all new technology disclosures received by the NASA Glenn Technology Transfer & Partnership Office (TTPO).
Help develop and assist in the implementation of marketing campaigns aimed at the licensing of NASA GRC Technology.
Assist in the evaluation of license applications and the development of negotiation terms and strategies.
Participate in collaborative efforts undertaken by TTPO to develop partnerships at the NASA Glenn Research Center.