APSI is a minority and veteran owned service company that provides analysis/design, scientific software development, test engineering and facilities operations/maintenance, information technologies as well as IPC standards certification. APSI was incorporated on March 27, 1998 as a small disadvantaged business and received Small Business Administration 8(a) certification on November 30, 1998.
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APSI is a service company that provides analysis/design, scientific software development, test engineering and facilities operations/maintenance, and information technologies. APSI was incorporated on March 27, 1998 as a small disadvantaged business and received Small Business Administration 8(a) certification on November 30, 1998. Initially AP Solutions, Inc. was started to provide technical expertise to facilitate technology transfer and product improvement for clients through the use of advanced computational codes developed by NASA. AP Solutions, Inc. remains the only authorized distributor of APNASA which is a CFD tool used by commercial aircraft engine manufacturers for analysis of multistage turbomachinery components. In the area of aeronautics AP Solutions, Inc. has also:
Conducted component and system analysis of advanced propulsion systems |
Full jet engine simulations |
Aerodynamic design support |
Verify and validate computational tools for propulsion systems design and analysis. |
Integrated CFD with FEA to create a unique and specialized structural analysis tool. |
Since 1998 AP Solutions has broadened it’s capability to include: |
Test engineering |
Facilities operations |
Facilities maintenance |
Systems engineering/integration |
Pressure vessel recertification |
Network /System integration and implementation |
Data center operations |
Contingency planning |
LAN & desktop integration/administration |
Help desk services |
Our core values are to understand the client’s requirements, to provide high quality teamwork, to ensure customer satisfaction, and add significant value to the client’s product. |